Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Beautiful Submission

As a young Christian woman
new in my faith, the topic of submission always seemed to bother something deep inside of me. I couldn't wrap my mind, or my heart around the idea of submitting completely to anyone, not even to Christ. The word itself stirred emotions inside of me that were rooted extremely deep. I was a young naive woman, and I had no idea the work the Lord had begun to do in my heart.

I recall a conversation that took place just a few months into my walk with God. I was talking with a guy my age from my church about his recent growth and journey with God. He shared with me his testimony about how the Lord was showing him how to be a better leader in his home. Then he began to share with me the journey his wife had begun, learning to be a more submissive wife. That conversation hit a nerve, I tried to continue listening, meanwhile all I could think about was how radical the things he was saying were. I had no understanding whatsoever of what he was talking about; in fact I was sure he was off his rocker!
It's amazing how much a person's perspective can change as they grow in their own personal relationship with Christ.......
One day, the Lord began moving in my heart and a transformation began to take place deep within me. I think that's the point I moved from having just a "religous belief" in God to having a real and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
I am now begining to understand and appreciate the beauty and grace that comes when a woman submits herself fully to Christ. That stubborn strong willed girl suddenly has begun a life altering transformation into a graceful woman desperately seeking a personal relationship with her creator.
Before I had always considered the term submission to be a negative description, one that showed weakness and vulnerability. Now, Jesus is giving me the eyes to see just how amazing submission truly is! Having the strength to humble yourself in honor and respect is a symbol of love and total devotion, it's a sacred act that demonstrates a deep love that is unshakeable.
When I look at the life of Jesus Christ I stand in amazement at the example He set for us in showing His complete submission, even to the point of being nailed on a cross. If the son of God was willing to show such submission, shouldn't I be? The more in love I fall with God the more I want to submit to Him. I am drawn to surrendering everything in my life to Him and I am completely satisfied when I manage to do just that. The reality is that I am human and so often I fall short of true submission.
It's amazing to me the transformation that takes place in a person's heart when they allow God to be in the drivers seat. I can't wait for the day when God blesses me with a spouse, when I too will have the opportunity to serve my husband as a biblical wife. Because of the transforming power of Christ in me I long for this day. God can change anyone's heart, you just have to be willing to trust Him and follow Him.

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